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Government Entities

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Contributing to formulating and implementing Jordanian foreign policy. Strengthening diplomatic work by representing the Kingdom before other countries, international and regional organizations, and participating in international conferences. Clarifying the objectives and foundations of Jordanian foreign policy through maintaining contact with the media.

Organizing and developing the Kingdom’s connection with countries and international and regional organizations, nurturing political, economic, cultural and other relations, and following up on their implementation. Protecting the interests and rights of the Kingdom and its citizens abroad, and enhancing communication and participation with Jordanian citizens outside the country.

Contributing to efforts to achieve peace and security at the regional and international levels. Strengthening diplomatic activity to promote the national tourism, industrial and agricultural product, and to support the Jordanian workforce. Providing consular services to service recipients. Organizing the relations of foreign missions accredited to the Kingdom with Jordanian official and private bodies.

Study and prepare treaties and agreements with countries and regional and international organizations, and contribute to taking procedures for concluding and preserving them in cooperation and coordination with relevant parties. Managing negotiations and discussions with countries and international and regional organizations in cooperation and coordination with relevant parties and in accordance with the Kingdom’s policy and interests.

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