Receiving loan applications by citizens

Estimated Time:

about 20 minutes


Public service desk and branches of the Fund in all Governorates.

Branches of the Fund in Jeeza(Central Area),

the northern Badia in Mafraq

and the Husseiniya area in Ma'an Governorate.

Po Box (922708) Amman (11192) Jordan-  Tel. 4618851 Fax 4618845. You can contact the Public Service on (4618458)

The north branch (027102065)- The south branch (032341069).

Estimated Fee:


  • Description
  • Procedures
  • Required Documents
  • Persons benefiting from the service
  • Files
  • Related Services

Conditions for obtaining service

First: General conditions and criteria related to the borrower:

  1. The applicant must be Jordanian.
  2. To be unemployed and owns no enterprises.
  3. Has appropriate academic and practical qualification.
  4. The age of the borrower shall not be less than (18) years and not more than (60) years.


Second: General conditions and criteria related to the project to be financed:

  1. The project should be productive and economically feasible in the following fields: (industry, crafts, services, commercial, tourism, agricultural industry).
  2. The project should be income-generating and labor-intensive for Jordanians.



Partner institutions:

  • Departments and institutions where the sponsor / sponsors work.
  • Productivity Enhancement Centers (ERADAH) if the amount of funding exceeds JD 7,000.
  • The Department of Land and Survey in case of mortgaging the property as collateral.
  • The Social Security Corporation.
  • Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply or its directorates in the governorates.
  • Greater Amman Municipality, other Municipalities.
  • Commercial banks.


  1. A citizen who wishes to obtain a loan will be given a numbered card along with the eligibility criteria and conditions for review, and will be directed to the waiting seats.
  2. The applicant shall be served by the competent employee to answer questions.
  3. The requirements of the first phase that must be met for initial approval of the request are clarified,and the initial confirmation that the applicant is from the target groups is conducted.
  4. The applicant shall be provided with the adopted letter of inquiry to be filled out by the concerned departments, which shall explain the documents to be presented as a part of the application.

Required Documents


Persons benefiting from the service

Borrowers and sponsors.


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