Royal Decree approves Razzaz's government reshuffle

Amman, Oct. 11 (Petra)- A Royal Decree was issued on Thursday approving a reshuffle in Prime Minister Omar Razzaz's government.

Upon Razzaz's recommendation, the following ministers took the oath before King Abdullah II on Thursday in Al- Husseiniya Palace:

Eng. Raed Muzaffar Abu Al-Saud: Minister of Water and Irrigation,
Dr. Bassam Samir Talhouni: Minister of Justice,
Mrs.Majd Mohammad Shweikeh: Minister of State for Administrative and Institutional Development,
Dr. Azmi Mahmoud Mahafaza: Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
Eng. Falah Abdullah Al-Amoush: Minister of Public Works and Housing,
Mrs. Basma Mousa Ishaqat: Minister of Social Development,
Dr. Ghazi Mansour Al-Zabin: Minister of Health,
Eng. Ibrahim Subhi Al-Shehadeh: Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Environment,
Dr. Mohammed Suleiman Aburman: Minister of Culture and Minister of Youth.

Prime Minister, Omar Razzaz, Royal Court Chief, Yousef Hassan al-Issawi, and His Majesty's Advisor, Director of the King's Office, Manar al-Dabbas, attended the swearing-in ceremony.